Breaking news from next month
Former VP Al (Chicken Little) Gore introduced his new book "An inconvenient Wetting" today on the Barbara Walters show. The book warns that if Americans do not quit watering their lawns causing global evaporation then the world will be underwater within a couple of centuries. He blamed the US population with their rabid concern for landscaping for the recent rains and floods.
Gore who invented water sprinklers said that he sees only impending doom for the United States. His book advocates the immediate release of all water penned behind dams and a moratorium on non essential water use in suburbia. Gore said he has not made up his mind on a bid for the 2008 nomination even tho the frontispiece of his book has campaign coupons for his exploratory committee. Barbara Walters nervously drank her glass of water and had little to say during the interview except an occasional "Oh my!". Ms Walters is the nations premier broadcaster and has won numerous awards from liberal controlled award givers.
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