In a secretive venture involving 427 real estate firms the Saudi Royal family has purchased most of the non government owned real estate in Washington. Prince Shitonu announced today that the Saudis would finance a new school system based on a method developed by Hammas. Renters will be able to live rent free as long as they are Muslim or switch to the Muslim faith. Crews were busy all over the district installing prayer towers and a city wide block by block speaker system for important religious or security announcements. Sources said that announcements will be limited to no more that 3 per hour. President Hillery Clinton issued a statement today welcoming "our good friends, the Saudis" and pledging to cooperate in every way with the new landlords. She went on to say "Gosh if they own it they won't blow it up...duh!" A related purchase included the Washington Post which will be renamed "Voice of Allah be praised Magniloquent Shining Light Newspaper" . The royals say that no editorial changes are foreseen as the paper has been a friendly ignorer of the Islam plan to take over the US for several years. Women reporters will be allowed to continue working as long as they cover their face and do not wiggle their ass when walking.