Baraka Hussien Obama, Jr. for weaving a checkered trail that even the main stream liberal progressive media could not play down.
He writes a book about Daddy but denies any ties to his father's Muslim identity.
He drops his middle name hoping no one will notice and then trys to say his first name is of African derivative when it is Muslim.
His groupies at Church are hell fire and brimstone "God Damn America" Amen-ers. Tape available for a generous donation.
His rebuke of his overtly raciest preacher's inane and rambling remarks about the supposed evil falls short even with many black commentators much less the maligned white captains of American industry who provide jobs for half of our country.
He blows the whistle on Passport Gate and then we find that the offending employee works for a company owned by an Obama campaign advisor.
Those of us who have sat in white churches and never heard a white pastor say anything derogatory about the black community find it embarrassing to hear Obama say that it is common practice to preach white racism because of the slavery issue of two centuries ago.
Sorry BHO we need to be able to trust our commander in chief. We need one who will serve all the people and not just be a water boy for the Jackson's and Farrakhan's America baiters
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