A look at present trends and individuals and a wild guess at future news events! ...misspelings and gramatical errors are a signature literary techinque of the blogmaster.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The first annual Political Ineptness Award goes to...

Baraka Hussien Obama, Jr. for weaving a checkered trail that even the main stream liberal progressive media could not play down.
He writes a book about Daddy but denies any ties to his father's Muslim identity.
He drops his middle name hoping no one will notice and then trys to say his first name is of African derivative when it is Muslim.
His groupies at Church are hell fire and brimstone "God Damn America" Amen-ers. Tape available for a generous donation.
His rebuke of his overtly raciest preacher's inane and rambling remarks about the supposed evil falls short even with many black commentators much less the maligned white captains of American industry who provide jobs for half of our country.
He blows the whistle on Passport Gate and then we find that the offending employee works for a company owned by an Obama campaign advisor.
Those of us who have sat in white churches and never heard a white pastor say anything derogatory about the black community find it embarrassing to hear Obama say that it is common practice to preach white racism because of the slavery issue of two centuries ago.

Sorry BHO we need to be able to trust our commander in chief. We need one who will serve all the people and not just be a water boy for the Jackson's and Farrakhan's America baiters

Democratic party changes name

December 31, 2011 Plains, Ga.
The DNC meeting in Jimmy Carters palatial mule barn voted unanimously to change the name of the Democratic party to "The Peoples Socialist Entitlement Party". The name change was demanded when the Coalition of Welfare Recipients (COOWR)took control of the group thru a little known parliamentary move by forcefully removing the chairs of the seated delegates. The newly elected DNC chairman (COOWR member Latevanor Johnson) then declared the seats vacated and allowed designated members of the audience to take the places of the unseated delegates.
The final session tomorrow will focus on the eligibility of convicted felons to hold DNC positions. Barney Frank will be the keynote speaker for this evenings dance. dinner and sleep over.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Afirrnative action election law mandated by California

November 22, 2015
The California legislature meeting in joint session today passed the Political Repatriations Act of 2015 requiring that black candidates for public office be given a
mandatory extra 20 percent of votes received to make up for past abuses of the voting rights of Afro Americans.
The measure was passed by a unanimous voice vote while the Color Guard for the session from the Black Panthers looked on.
The Voting Act carried with it a grandfather clause back to 2009 and several of the white officials were escorted from the room and stripped of office.
Next week the assembly will consider Affirmative Action for Home Buyers.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Eta Carinae Supernova...coming soon to a sky near you

Breaking Future News from the very near future
The death watch is on for Eta Carinae, a relatively nearby massive star that's set to explode as a supernova. The Chandra X-Ray Observatory delivered this beautiful photograph of the star and its surrounding nebula; layers of material that it's already shed in its death throes.

When it does explode, Eta Carinae is going to be spectacular. It's thought to have between 100 and 150 times the mass of our own Sun. Not only that, it's a mere 7,500 light years away. Its brilliant display of fireworks will rival the light of the full Moon, and should be easy to see in the middle of the day; you could read a book by it at night.

So when's it going to blow? Well, astronomers disagree on this point. The majority think that Eta Carinae has one final stage to go through, called a Wolf-Rayet star. Others think it's already passed this stage, and it's ready to go. It could explode tomorrow, or it could be 100,000 years away. Still, that's a blink of the eye cosmically speaking.

Original Source: Chandra News Release

orignal published date on BFN 05/26/07


News from SPACE.com

Science and space news on USATODAY.com

Digg del.icio.us Newsvine Reddit FacebookWhat's this?By Andrea Thompson, SPACE.com
For the first time, astronomers have pinpointed the spot where the intense winds of two massive stars in a binary system violently collide and detected the production of high-energy X-rays there.
The monstrously large Eta Carinae binary contains between 100 and 150 times the mass of the sun and glows more brightly than four million suns together. The so-called hypergiant contains two massive stars, the second of which was not discovered until 2005.

PHOTO GALLERY: This week in space

Astronomers have long suspected that the stellar pair should give off high-energy X-rays, but until now, they didn't have the instruments to detect the radiation. But the European Space Agency's Integral telescope, launched to detect some of the most violent events in the universe, has conclusively detected such X-rays emanating from Eta Carinae, more or less as astronomers had thought.

"The intensity of the X-rays is a little lower than we expected, but given that this is the first-ever conclusive observation, that's OK," said Jean-Christophe Leyder of the University of Liege in Belgium, one of the astronomers who made the discovery.

FIND MORE STORIES IN: Oklahoma | Earth | Belgium | X-rays | Space Agency | Kelvin | Integral | Small Magellanic Cloud | Eta Carinae | University of Liege
Stellar wind shockwave

The intense X-rays are generated by the collision of the massive stars' stellar winds, flows of charged gas ejected from the stars' upper atmospheres.

The light and other radiation that "blows" off these particles is so strong that the stellar winds of Eta Carinae can reach speeds of 900 to 1200 miles per second (1,500 to 2,000 kilometers per second). Because the two stars are in such close proximity, the winds collide in a ferocious shockwave where temperatures reach several thousand million degrees Kelvin.

"It's a very tough environment," Leyder said.

Electrons get caught in the magnetic environment of the shockwaves and are bounced back and forth, accelerating to huge energies. When they finally burst out of the shockwave, they collide with low-frequency photons and give them an energy boost, creating the high-energy X-ray emissions spied by Integral.

Search for other emitters

Finding other examples of colliding-wind binaries, as astronomers call them, is tough because massive stars are rare; finding two in a binary system is rarer still.

"In our galaxy, there are probably only 30 to 50 colliding-wind binaries that display a clear signature of wind-wind collision," Leyder said. This meager number of stars is just a tiny fraction of the galaxy's stellar population. So to have an example such as Eta Carinae on our cosmic doorstep is a stroke of luck.

Astronomers did detect X-rays emitted from another colliding-wind binary, HD 5980, in our galactic neighbor the Small Magellanic Cloud last year.

The X-rays detected from Eta Carinae are of a much higher energy though. Astronomers estimate that the Eta Carinae system loses one Earth mass per day of ejected material, roughly 140 times higher than the mass loss rate of HD 5980.

Understanding the X-ray emissions from stellar winds is important because stellar winds affect the evolution of stars and the chemical evolution of the universe, while also acting as a source of energy in the galaxy.

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